Boom Time for Thai Fruit and Vegetables in Russia

Boom Time for Thai Fruit and Vegetables in Russia

Thai fruit and vegetables are becoming increasingly popular with Russians who have tried them while travelling in Thailand and want to eat them again when back home, states a report by the DITP’s overseas trade office in Moscow, released on July 20.

Now, Thai fruit including mango, coconut, mangosteen, tamarind, rambutan, longan, pineapple and dragon fruit are available in many supermarkets in Russia. Russians also like to purchase Thai vegetables used for cooking Tom Yum and Tom Kha coconut soups.

“Thai exporters must maintain product standards and quality, as well as seeking business partners who have the network to distribute these easily-spoiled products to target consumers. Suitable packaging must be used to protect fruit and vegetables,” said DITP Director-General, Chantira Jimreivat Vivatrat.
